Almost certainly you are an odd one out Amanda, which is why we enjoy reading your pieces; because you shine a more considered light on things that many of us face or encounter in life.
I'd say it really comes down to how well the husband does actually know and understand his wife (in this husband-straying scenario), and of course what eventual outcome he is looking for, consciously or unconsciously, and thus what amount of hard work he is willing to put in, to whichever direction he's chosen.
So if he wants the marriage to end, he will continue the breaking of the marriage with his answer/revelation. If he wants to get through the mess that his actions have brought about (who knows why he has been driven to the affair?) and strengthen the marriage, he will answer/respond/reveal things in another way.
Option 3: if he wants to bring a second wife into the mix, because he has actually fallen in love with another woman while not losing any love for his wife, then he will no doubt give another flavour to the big reveal, as he will by default be making a much bigger reveal any way!