The danger in "stealing" I guess, is that, if you are prone to such things, you may always have at the back of your mind that the stolen goods you now cherish, do not have a high level of loyalty in their character, and could be ready to ditch you too if an offer came along.
Very good article Amanda, and rather helpful as I always felt the lack of clarity for "the rules" growing up.
When I was a teenager and into my 20s, there was a breakdown of any ordered "courting" between men and women, and I for one was left confused as f*** most of the time. I didn't know how to play the game, and even denied in my idealistic naivete that there was a game to be learned and played.
So your perspective is refreshing for me and I wish I'd had an Amanda handy some 40 years ago to explain things so clearly!!
Heartbreak is a cruel and relentless teacher.
Keep up the good work.